Flying Kites Journal Page

By Kathybarbro @KathyBarbro
I just did this art journal page with my afterschool class today and loved how it turned out. Some of the first graders even wrote goodbye messages to their fly away kites. Too cute!
1. Paint two journal pages with light blue watercolor paint. Dab with paper towel to speed up drying process.
2. Cut out at least 3 clouds from heavy white paper. Glue to pages with a glue stick.
3. Cut out as many diamond shaped kites as possible from patterned paper. If you use the Strathmore Art Journal Kits, patterned paper is included. Arrange and glue them to the pages with a glue stick.
4. Draw matching tails on the kites with a crayon. Have fun adding a message about windy days, and let your words float all over the page!