You may want to take a seat for this. A new book has created quite a stir. Steve Gottlieb has done something that has never been before. Flush: Celebrating Baths Past & Present investigates the past, present, and future of bathroom design in a way that has never been done before.
“It dawned on me that bathrooms are a subject that everyone is interested in – generally hesitant to discuss. Given the high interest [in my original photos], I thought a book showcasing a variety of bathrooms with high quality photos could be popular…and so far as I know, no one has done anything like FLUSH before.”
Flush: Celebrating Bathroom Past & Present by Steve Gottlieb
Flush: Celebrating Baths Past & Present
The book is aimed toward interior designers and is overflowing with information about one topic: bathrooms. Everything from glamorous to retired and neglected, some of these photos will make your hair stand on end and take you on a trip down memory lane.
FLUSH includes a series of photos and narratives that articulate shifts in history that have affected the way we live. You can see how the bathroom has changed and be able to point out the ways in which certain styles and trends have persisted throughout the decades. Read up on the Latest Bathroom Trends in 2014.
Another interesting aspect that is addressed in the book is global sanitation. Environmental awareness is a primary concern in this day and age with new eco-friendly bathroom products, low-flush toilets, and sustainable materials. Water conservation affects everybody especially since only 3% of the Earth’s water is drinkable!
By exploring that which came before the modern bathroom, Gottlieb hopes to help designers think outside of the box. FLUSH contains insight into the history of the bathroom, product evolution, cultural influences, and much more. Understanding how the bathroom has changed in terms of functionality and style can lend a peek into the future.
“I’m confident that designers who’ve worked with bathrooms will be intrigued and enlightened by this exploration of a subject in which they’re interested. I believe that designers, more than any other professionals, will appreciate FLUSH, and I wouldn’t be surprised if many will want to give a copy of the book to friends, colleagues, and others since it elevates their work to a higher plateau.”
-Steve Gottlieb
Tradewinds Imports is the Webs #1 Source for modern and antique bathroom vanities. Whatever your preference, we have just what your bathrooms needs to restore the vibrancy that once was!
About the Author
Cheryl Khan is an interior designer who is intriguing by investigations of the past. She loves gazing at old photographs of the past and thinking about what life was like way back when.