Flowers to Warm Your Room

By Simon Crowther @prestigeflower

Flowers to warm your room

During the coldest season of the year, when summer is still months away, it's good to remember that there are some things you can do to make your home feel warm even when outside is covered with ice and snow.

The first thing to consider is the difference between warm and cool colours. Warm colours include red, orange, and yellow while cool colours include blue and green. You can use warm colours throughout your home. For example, your bedding, curtains, and tablecloths.

You can also use flowers to warm your home. Again, you should focus on warm colours like red, orange, and yellow. Your flower arrangement will still include green - which is a cool colour - but if your flowers are warm, this will not have an effect other than to emphasize the beauty of the blooms. Some colours that you may want to avoid include blue, blue-ish shades of purple, and white. These can be used as accents but they should not make up the whole arrangement.

Make sure that your flower arrangement is displayed in the appropriate vase or container. The safest bet is a clear glass vase. However, you could always use a natural, wood-coloured, copper, or bronze vase to emphasize that warm theme.

When it comes to choosing your flowers, you can choose one colour or several colours. The best types of flowers include chrysanthemums, roses, carnations, gerbera daisies, lilies, and dahlias. Remember, you can use one colour but several types of flowers or several types of flowers in multiple colours.