Flowers to Brighten a Rainy Day, Frittata with Zucchini Flowers

By Marialiberati

copyright 2016 Art of Living, PrimaMedia,Inc/Maria Liberati

Flowers are the sweetest things God ever made, and forgot to put a soul into. ~Henry Beecher, Life Thoughts, 18

Flowers to brighten up a dreary,rainy day in the mountains .. of Italy… a bunch of zucchini flowers that is..and a frittata make the day a little brighter!

Saute  zucchini flowers in a tablespoon of heated olive oil for 3 minutes, pour on top 4 beaten eggs and top with freshly chopped parsley. Saute on one side, then turn over, Serve with sliced crusty bread and sliced tomato salad….yum!!

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