Flowers in the City and Creating Things

By Elizabethwix

WhenI look out of the window I see yellow taxis.

I'm in the middle of my seasonal pansy-bashing experiments when I make a lot of noise and a small amount of stationery. I learned the fundamentals of pansy hammering from the uber-creative Elizabeth Bunsen.

Anyway, three flowers from the tree pits outside. The yellow pansy, when hammered, just turned into a soggy blob.

Here are some bits and pieces from the roof.

Same thing with the trusty hammer -and a print  of a previous pansy. You must use good quality printing paper -Arches for example- so the colors get absorbed.

Larger than life sized!

Much, much larger than life sized with bits of the viola waiting to be removed.

This mess/work of art was created by hammering the flower of a beautiful iris which had fallen off the stem. I would not recommend hammering irises -much too much water and sogginess - but rather fun as a fabric design....

Making stuff runs in the family (all families, I think!) Henry is very serious about drawing and

Gretchen has become a bead maker.
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