Flower Event in Wiltshire Might Be Delayed Because of the Bad Weather

By Simon Crowther @prestigeflower

In Wiltshire each year an annual event which attracts hundreds of visitors a year may be cancelled because of the recent poor weather and because of the extended cold winter we have experienced.

The Marlborough Lions Club host two Bluebell Sundays every year at Westwoods. This year the events are taking place on the 28th April and the 5th May, if the weather allows.

The cold weather has resulted in the bluebells being delayed in blooming and if the worst happens that the bluebells don’t bloom in time then the events will have to be delayed or cancelled entirely.

The wood, which is over 800 acres, is open to walkers all year round to enjoy the wildlife.

However for the two Sundays each year the woods become open to vehicles as well. Stephen Astwood of the Marlborough Lions Club said that the Forestry Commission allows the organisers to open the woods to vehicles to allow people who are not too good at walking to see this wonderful scene.

All proceeds which are raised at the event and similar flower events around the year are donated to the Lions Club.
