Flower Centrepieces for Smaller Dinner Tables

By Simon Crowther @prestigeflower

Flower centrepieces for smaller dinner tables

Not every home has a large dinner table. In these cases, most families set their bowls, plates, and casseroles of food on a table in the kitchen or on the kitchen worktops. The dining table is used only to hold everyone's plates, glasses, and eating utensils. That said, there's usually at least a small amount of space in the middle of the table that can be decorated.

Decorating small tables takes care and consideration. You don't want your décor to take up too much space and you don't want any of the decorative items to end up in your food! This is where small flower arrangements work best. Flowers are so versatile and you can create any size bouquet you need!

Floating arrangements

A floating arrangement is a lovely way of adding colour and class to any table. When choosing your floating flowers, you should look for something that has a flat or relatively flat base. You should not use roses because they will end up tipping over. Gardenias are lovely and fragrant. You could even use dahlias or any flower that's part of the daisy family. If you want to add some extra light to your table, you can do so by placing waterproof LED lights inside the bowl of water. Remember to use a clear glass bowl so that the light has the right effect.


Like flower arrangements, tablescapes can be made according to the size you need. They can be quite elaborate or really simple. For a small table, something simple is best. Perhaps a small bouquet in the middle with a couple of bud flower arrangements and a candle or two.

Several arrangements

If you like the idea of bud arrangements, then why not use a few of these types of displays to decorate your table? Choose an odd number (3, 5, 7, etc) of short-stemmed glasses with wide brims. Fill them with water and place a single, large flower in each one. The brim of the glass should be slightly smaller than that of the flower. For each glass, you should choose a different colour. Keep your flowers the same and only change the colours. Once your bud arrangements are ready, you can place them in a cluster in the middle of the table or, if you have a rectangular table, you can set them down the centre line of the table.

Decorate each place setting

You can add more colour and style to your table by using floral napkin rings or placing a fresh flower on everyone's plates. If you choose to place flowers on plates, make sure that the flowers are not in any way toxic and ensure that they have been thoroughly washed.

Just because you have a small table does not mean that you can't decorate it at all. With all of these tips in mind, you can make any table look fabulous! You can even scatter flower petals along the areas in between plates and glasses and around the main arrangement. Or you could make use of candles and a few flowers to create a superb yet compact display.