Flourishing Greens

By Stephanie
We need a place in which we may flourish and be ourselves -- Timothy Radcliffe

It has been a wonderful week and my plants are growing and blooming better than usual, yay :-D Glad to see them looking pretty!  I was also so motivated to do some gardening works. Weeding was easy as compared with re-potting. Good thing many of my pots are plastic. I cannot imagine if each and every of them are ceramic ones... they are heavy! My Gloxinias, one blossoming and the other in blueish-purple flower is being attacked by a kind of bug. The petals dropped before it opened. 

Hiding behind my Bougainvillea that is almost leafless now is my Hippeastrum 'Mrs Garfield'. I didn't realize the shrub was flowering till the flower stalk grew to about a foot high. And I was glad to see the stalk of flowers bloomed so perfectly. All four flowers opened together :-)

In front of 'Mrs Garfield' is my old Ivy and it is flourishing fine as well :-D

Meanwhile, my Hibiscus acetosella 'Red Shield' grew so tall that it has to rest on the orchid which is next to it. Still, it can just produce flowers and sweet ones too :-)

I went out late one morning and found the Hibiscus acetosella 'Panama Red' closing... hey, wait!! 

My Pink Thyme meanwhile not only looks lovely, it has wonderful aromatic fragrance!

I bought a new plant, an Alternanthera sp. (if you know the cultivar name, please let me know!), bronzy-green in color. I placed it next to my herbs and azaleas...

I also spotted little blooms on the tips... making the little shrub even prettier!

I always like my garden filled with red, either from the leaves or blooms. But from this Chinese Fringe Flower (Loropetalum chinense var. rubrum) shrub, it's both. The foliage and flowers are red...

Notice the spot of orange next to the Chinese Fringe Flower shrub? It was from the flower of my Senecio confusus 'Sao Paulo' vine, which has produced a bright and cheerful bloom...

I mixed my precious compost with some burnt and black soil to add soil to my existing pots and repotted some plants. It was so hot out there that I had to do everything fast and quick. I was panting and sweating after that!

Happy looking after your garden and yourself :-D