Florist’s New Single is Pensive and Sentimental [Stream]

Posted on the 15 December 2015 by Thewildhoneypie @thewildhoneypie

Florist – The Birds Outside Sang SoundCloud

The music from Florist is basically my favorite kind — straightforward, personal and unapologetically sentimental. If  you look at a list of all my most beloved bands, you will quickly notice that my tastes usually run towards some variation of melancholy folk, usually with an experimental twist. Florist more than falls into the spectrum of what I love, and I’ve had their latest work on repeat of late.

The first single from their upcoming album, “The Birds Outside Sang”, begins in a grim shade and ends in a brighter, more optimistic light, literally (there is talk of fireworks). The tones are bridged by some climactic distortion and a pensive quell, a reflection of the ups and downs that define the human condition. This is real talk music. Just as the other members of the Epoch Collective (eskimeaux, Bellows, etc…), Florist’s work feels intimately DIY and truly independent.