Flooding Risk From Climate Change, Country by Country

By Garry Rogers @Garry_Rogers

A new analysis of sea levels and flood risk around the world offers more evidence that the brunt of climate change will not be borne equally.

More than a quarter of Vietnam’s residents live in areas likely to be subject to regular floods by the end of the century.  Globally, eight of the 10 large countries most at risk are in Asia.  These figures are the result of a new analysis of sea levels and flood risk around the world, conducted by Climate Central and based on more detailed sea-level data than has previously been available.  The analysis offers more evidence that the countries emitting the most carbon aren’t necessarily the ones that will bear the brunt of climate change.  

Tags: Southeast Asia, water, disasters, urban ecology, coastal, climate change. 

Source: www.nytimes.com

GR:  The cost of these and other consequences of global warming will not be born by the few growing rich on the industries causing the problems. The cost will be born by the people working to produce the profit.