Floating Market

By Darlenedame

 we got out of the city of bangkok to visit the floating market. we took a boat ride through some canals, which felt like a disneyland ride to me, that brought us to here. all of the food was SO good. even the weird looking stuff like what tanner is eating. those are little gooey coconut pancakes and i wish i would have gotten my own. delicious! besides the traditional pad thai, sticky rice with mango was my favorite food in thailand. couldn't get enough of it.

 another favorite thing of mine were these fruits pictured above ^^^ the ones that look like a weird coconut. i don't remember what they're called, but the middle is a white, sweet, chewy fruit.

 we drank our fair share of coconut water. gotta stay hydrated.

i usually get tired of a certain food when i have a lot of it in a short period of time. and thailand was no exception. i found myself saying it will be a while before i eat thai food again. well, after thailand we traveled to a few other countries and i found myself craving thai food. it hadn't even been a week! lucky for me, we had a layover in thailand before we came home. we had a half hour to eat and we took advantage of it! pad thai, mango sticky rice, and bubble tea. i flew home with a happy stomach.