Float Away to Wherever You Want to Be with Web of Sunsets’ ‘places’ [premiere]

Posted on the 10 June 2014 by Thewildhoneypie @thewildhoneypie

What level of chill do you need to achieve right now? Regardless, Web of Sunsets have you covered. The Minneapolis trio is set to release a new EP exactly one week from today, but you’re going to get to hear the gorgeous lead track right now. “Places” displays their choice blend of acid country and dream folk that they do so exquisitely, setting us up for those summer days when we laze and let our heads float away at will. Whimsical enough to soundtrack a fever dream yet solid enough to recline into, “Places” rests on warm guitar lines that swirl around each other and hazy vocals, creating an aesthetic so melty that you’ll feel the need to savor it before it has to end. With no “lead vocalist” and no rhythm section, Web of Sunsets set themselves apart by their sweaty sweet melodies set to effortlessly tranquilizing tones. Leaving you with a taste of a summer drink on your lips, the EP is appropriately named Gin Tapes, which will be a limited cassette/digital release June 17 on End of Time Records and will no doubt to become a sunshine season mainstay for many. Listen to the premiere of  Web of Sunsets’ “Places” above, download it for free, and drift away to all of your favorite dreamscapes.