Flaw in New West Virginia Gun Law Allows Criminals to Purchase Firearms

Posted on the 25 June 2014 by Mikeb302000
Freak Out Nation reports
A new law that makes it  by Freeven pro"> by Freeven pro"> by Freeven pro">easier for West Virginia residents to buy a handgun also makes it easier for some people who have recently committed a crime to buy a gun. The new law allows anyone who obtains a new concealed weapons permit to buy a gun without undergoing a federal background check.
A check is required to get the permit, so supporters of the  by Freeven pro"> by Freeven pro"> by Freeven pro">change say a second check is redundant. But permits are only good for five years, so that means  if someone is convicted  by Freeven pro"> by Freeven pro"> by Freeven pro">later of a crime which would typically bar a gun purchase, they can still buy one by showing the permit to the dealer. The permit is supposed to be revoked if someone becomes ineligible to buy a gun, but there’s no effective mechanism to enforce that. This is a big win for the NRA. The gun organization should be  by Freeven pro"> by Freeven pro"> by Freeven pro">proud. This is what happens when you continue to saw away at gun regulations in states which already have lax gun laws. That, “Gun control won’t stop criminals from  by Freeven pro"> by Freeven pro"> by Freeven pro">getting guns’ talking point just went out the window.
It really does seem like the NRA actually wants criminals to have easy access to guns.  But, I think what's really going on is something slightly different. What they want is the maximum convenience for lawful gun owners and if that means criminals can more easily get guns, so be it.
Gun rights fanatics are so focused on their own rights that they refuse to even look at the obvious downside of their self-serving policies.  More people die and they're to blame.