Flashback: Meet the Parents
By Cbhojwani
Meeting your partner's parents is always a daunting event and it was no different when I met Mrs.B's family. In typical Indian style, I was welcomed with an array of delightful appetisers only to learn I was expected to finish them all, before dinner! Being polite, I picked up a chicken and cheese roll and chewed on it gleefully while nodding in acknowledgement at my potential father-in-law and his theories. Suddenly, I heard a snap and felt a sharp pain in my mouth. My chewing slowed as I feared the worst. Flicking my tongue around the semi-chewed chicken and cheese I hoped to uncover the problem. Moments later I realised it was a toothpick! I was caught between a tough crossroad of spitting out the wooden stick and embarrassing my potential mother in law, or testing my digestive track's capability of digesting wood.
Boldly, I opted for the latter and swallowed the toothpick hoping it wouldn't hurt on it's way through and out. Three years later, I'm still mocked by my in-laws. There's gratitude for you.
Marriage Tip 49: No good deed goes unpunished!
Welcome to our digestible marriage!