I will admit that I haven't embraced all of the advice I shared (I'm not much of a 'homemade-costumes' kind of mom, and living in the country requires some carbon emissions in order to trick-or-treat) but I am a big fan of pumpkin seeds, my girls use reusable bags, and we are sure to recycle as much packaging as possible.
As for tangible goodies over edible treats...the jury's still out on this one. Obviously there are downsides to junk food, but as a clutter-phobe, I'm not sure we need any more stickers, erasers, etc. around the house...and once November 1st hits, anything Halloween-themed goes away. (Okay, fine, I also want the kids to bring home candy because they're still young enough that I can steal some. I said it!)
Check out the article, and try to find even one tip you can use as your goal for this year's Halloween.