Flashback 2010: NBPP 'Gonna Have To Kill Some Crackers' and 'Some Of Their Babies' (Video)

Posted on the 13 July 2013 by Susanduclos @SusanDuclos
By Susan Duclos
The reason for the MSM and others are predicting riots and race wars after the George Zimmerman verdict, if Zimmerman is found not guilty of second-degree murder for the death of Trayvon Martin, is because of the players involved. Not Hispanics, whites or blacks, but those that have a history of threats and publicly stated desires of killing "crackers."
Namely the New Black Panther Party.
The very people predicting "unrest all over America."
The very people who in 2012 stated Zimmerman "gotta pay."
The very people that offered a reward and put a  bounty on Zimmerman's head with a "Wanted: Dead Or Alive" Poster.
The very people talking about "street maneuvers" surrounding the Zimmerman verdict.
The very people that are predicting "a HIGH chance of rebellion across the nation if Zimmerman is acquitted on all charges."
The anger, the hatred, the determination to cause an all-out race war, has absolutely nothing to do with Zimmerman nor Trayvon Martin as is shown in the video below, from before the night that Trayvon Martin was shot by George Zimmerman, in a tragedy Zimmerman claims was self defense.
Uploaded to YouTube in July 2010, the head of the New Black Panther Party's Philadelphia chapter, known as King Samir Shabazz, on a street rant talking about how blacks are "gonna have to kill some crackers," and "gonna have to kill some of their babies."

Who are the racists?
George Zimmerman and Trayvon Martin are not the issue for groups like the New Black Panther Party, they are simply an excuse to go out and kill so-called "crackers," and to incite others to do the same.
For the record, I would love to be wrong, I would love the MSM to be wrong, I would love for every single person that has predicted or fears race riots if George Zimmerman is found not guilty, to be wrong.
If the NBPP has their way though...... there will be a race war, because it is what they want.