
By Sdlong

This is in response to Collin Brooke, who asked for some lists of 5.

5 Books On My Desk

  1. The Bourgeois, Franco Moretti.
  2. In the Footsteps of Genghis Khan, John DeFrancis.
  3. Warriors of the Cloisters: The Central Asian Origins of Science in the Medieval World, Christopher Beckwith.
  4. Medieval Rhetoric: A Select Bibliography, James J. Murphy
  5. The Invaders, Pat Shipman

5 Most Played Songs in my iTunes

  1. All Night Long, Lionel Richie
  2. We Are All We Need, Above and Beyond
  3. In My Memory, Tiesto
  4. Two Tickets to Paradise, Eddie Money
  5. We Built This City, Starship

5 Toppings That I Just Put On My Frozen Yogurt

  1. Peanut butter cups
  2. Chocolate chips
  3. M&Ms
  4. cookie dough
  5. whipped cream

5 Alcoholic Beverages In The Kitchen

  1. Bud Lite Lime
  2. Jose Cuervo Silver
  3. Triple-sec
  4. E&J Brandy
  5. Fireball

5 TV Shows on Netflix Instant Que

  1. Mad Men
  2. Human Planet
  3. Don’t Trust the B—- In Apartment 23
  4. Wild India
  5. Blue Planet