Five Winter Solstice Photos from 5 Different Years

By Luphil

The Sun upon entering Capricorn is called the Son of the Virgin. Its reddish rays are considered by the seers as the blood of the Sun, the blood of the Saviour. These life-giving rays of the northern Sun are the food of the spiritual life, which the Sun God distributes again during this annual ritual and thus helps us to orient the consciousness upwards. More about the importance of winter solstice.

Please find five photos of Capricorn / winter solstices from five different years. And here you can send them as a Christmas postcard.

2009, in the garden 2014 near Einsiedeln, Switzerland 2015 near Einsiedeln, Switzerland 2016, Nilagiris (Blue Mountains), India 2017, airplane between Delhi and Bengaluru, India