Five Ways to Meet Mobile Device Users’ Great Expectations

Posted on the 22 May 2013 by Marketingtango @marketingtango

Integrated marketers know that mobile device usage continues to skyrocket—along with consumers’ expectations for a quick, efficient, finger-friendly mobile experience.

If you want to delight the Dickens out of this increasingly persnickety segment, follow these best practices, summarized from Website Magazine’s May ‘13 issue.

  1. Create a Simple Design. Forgo fanciness and fluff, and don’t try to duplicate your elaborate desktop design. Trim and simplify everything, focusing closely on your mobile users’ informational needs and expectations.
  2. Highlight Important Info. Mobile users aren’t visiting your site to gush over your mission statement or dissect your Tweets. They’re out and about and they want information, fast. Meet their expectations by clearly displaying only the most highly prized information—typically store hours, directions, address and contact information.
  3. Feature Calls-to-Action. Well-designed sites usually feature a couple of clear and simple call-to-action buttons, such as ‘Call Now’ or ‘Get Directions.’ Make sure these can be easily pushed with a finger (think size and spacing), and that they automatically dial your phone or open a map app.
  4. Keep Sites Quick. Fast page loads have been linked to better conversion rates, longer time-on-site, and higher average orders. Snail-paced loading correlates with high abandonment and bounce rates. If your pokey, desktop-optimized site doesn’t load lickety-split, mobile users will move on quickly to find one that does.
  5. Optimize Screen Size. Interestingly, Website Magazine says that traditional (desktop optimized) sites give tablet-toters a good-enough user experience—mainly because so much of tablet-browsing takes place at home, where users are less rushed and more relaxed. So, you may not need a tablet site until traffic levels justify the cost. Use an analytics program to monitor web visitor device types and trends.

Simple + Seamless = Satisfying
Simply providing mobile access won’t be enough to foster repeat business or long-term growth. You must continually improve the UX (user experience). Regular testing of site responsiveness, content, navigation and overall usability are essential if you’re to remain competitive in the marketplace and relevant to your customers.

For more tips about implementing Responsive Web Design, or to see how your current site displays on a smartphone, check out our previous post.