Five Tips to Laugh More and Stress Less in 2018 ~ Plus Enter to Win Kathy Chlan's Book, "Maternally Challenged"!

By Parentingauthor @ParentingAuthor

Kathy Chlan is the author of Maternally Challenged: How My Special Needs Son Taught Me to Sack Up and Laugh! and the writer behind the popular website, Unfiltered Mom. More at
Who doesn’t like a good laugh? Or watch a movie that makes you belly laugh that you feel you could pee your pants? Laughing is so much better than crying. Can I get a holla from all the moms out there?!
Plus, laughing brings people together! And with what is going on in the world today, who doesn’t need a laugh. It also has so many health benefits. Like it lowers blood pressure, reduces stress level hormones, boosts T-cells, and gives good cardiac health. All while some of us need to wear Depends while doing it. Lol.
My mantra, in this roller-coaster ride I call “Motherhood,” is to just laugh 'cause it gets you through the day. Sometimes, everyday life can get in the way, and you get overwhelmed with what you have to get done. Let’s face it, as moms, we are extremely lucky to even get to pee by ourselves!
How can we pack more laughter into the day when tough times seem to conspire against us? As spontaneous the act of laughing is, you can set the stage for more humor in your life with these five tips:
1. Laugh with others frequently and always laugh at yourself - Don’t take yourself so seriously. Make a conscious decision when you wake up that you will be happy. Happiness brings on laughter.
2. Spend time with funny people - Get rid of the Debbie Downers in your life. Who needs the “woe is me” attitude? Surround yourself with people who have a light around them. I am not saying dump your friends who are the downers, just balance it with others who look at life differently.
3. Have a laugh-in! - Try taking a laughing meditation class or laughing yoga class. Yes, people, these do exist. It can release so much stress, and by the end of the class, you feel like a weight has been lifted off of you. If you have a problem, like myself, with a weak bladder, just wear the infamous Depends!
4. Laugh all the way to the office - Want to reduce stress? Instead of listening to news radio, switch the dial to comedy radio. Lift your spirits and arrive at work feeling relaxed.

5. Watch funny TV shows regularly - DVR those shows that will bring a smile to your face. If you watch them on a regular basis and they make you laugh, it is like free therapy. And who doesn’t like a bargain?!
So I say to the New Year that is here: You will not break us, but only hear our continuous laughter!
One lucky winner will receive a copy of Maternally Challenged: How My Special Needs Son Taught Me to Sack Up and Laugh! by Kathy Chlan. Enter through the Rafflecopter form below. This giveaway is open to U.S. residents only and ends at 11:59 PM EST on Sunday, February 4, 2018.
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