Five Steps to Organizing Your Own Hen Party

By Claire

Break­ing news for all the organ­ised hens out there, it’s not just control-freak bridezil­las who organ­ise their own hen do’s! As it turns out, more hens are decid­ing to put the wed­ding folder aside (just for a minute or two!) and check out hen party activ­i­ties them­selves, and why not?

We know best what we’d love to do and there’s always the worry that the MoH will make it a lit­tle TOO raunchy (and yes there is such a thing!) As well as that, Brides­maids, while being hilar­i­ous, has high­lighted the stress we can put on our nearest-and-dearest, so at the very least we’d like to be around to lend a help­ing hand.

Essen­tially ladies, it might be time to take hold of the hen party chal­ice and get organ­is­ing it your­selves, and with our handy tips there isn’t a bet­ter time! So start a hen party folder and get reading!

Step 1: Pick a date for your hen party…

Quite sim­ply, this really is the best way to start and to get the big glit­tery hen party ball rolling. Talk it through with your betrothed, or the girls, or any­one who’ll lis­ten, and decide what would be a great date for every­one that isn’t too close to the wed­ding. Fac­tor in a bit of sea­son­al­ity, whether you fancy a sunny hen do away or a cosy win­ter hen do and then make a note of the final decision.

Step 2: Pick a hen party destination…

There are a mil­lion great rea­sons to pick a des­ti­na­tion early on; it’s more likely that every­one will be able to make it, flights tend to be cheaper in advance, there’ll be more activ­i­ties to choose from and there won’t be a stress moun­tain to sud­denly run into!

If you’re a bit stuck for ideas then we thought you’d like to know that the top hen party des­ti­na­tions at the moment are: Lon­don, Edin­burgh, Mar­bella, Ibiza, Barcelona and Brighton!

Step 3: Decide who’s coming…

Chances are you’re also in the process of mak­ing a wed­ding guest list, so a rule that can help you through the all-round event plan­ning is to be fair but firm.

Don’t feel that just because Janet from down the road invited you to her hen party in the pub 5 years ago you should invite her to party with you in Vegas. There’s a fair chance that no mat­ter what the date is not every­one invited is going to be able to make it, so if any spaces come up you can always con­sider the Janets.

There might also be hic­cups along the way but as long as you know who’s com­ing you can let every­one know in min­utes that you’re doing bur­lesque in Brighton rather than cock­tails in Cardiff.

Step 4: Man­age your financials…

We under­stand that the hen party con­sists of all the girls you love most in the world, so it can be hard to have to ask peo­ple for money, but the sooner you get it out of the way the quicker you can all go back to being excited!

Make sure every­one knows how much it’s going to be before you book it and once everyone’s on board keep track of their money and who-owes-what.

Step 5: Enjoy your hen night!

With all pres­sure you’ve faced (organ­is­ing both an amaz­ing hen do and your dream wed­ding!) it’s time that you enjoy yourself!

When organ­is­ing your own hen party a huge pos­i­tive is that you get to put all the activ­i­ties you love into one mem­o­rable week­end, so once the plan­ning is out of the way it’s time for you and the girls to have an unfor­get­table time!

Guest blog post for Eng­lish Wed­ding Blog by Genevieve Flintham from