Five Reasons Why It’s Hard to Forget First Love

By Julia Fernandes @appshub

Remy Kelvin

Every person falls in love with someone at any point of time in life. Most of the people go through this experience at a very young age. There is a divergence of opinion on the question whether the first love works in our lives or not. I am of the opinion that first love creates a deep impression on our lives and it really works.

1. First Love Starts at Very Young Age

In most of the cases first love occurs at a very young age, probably when you are in your early teens. Sometimes it can be traced back to the age of 5 or 6. In all the eventualities this first love creates great impact on our brain. When in a state of love the brain cells generate specific chemicals that shape the neurons of the brain in accordance to the ongoing thinking process. Since the first love takes place at very young age the effect on the neurons is really pronounced.

2. Psychological Mold of First Love

First love creates deep rooted psychological impressions in one's mind. A person can never forget his/her first love. The imprints and images of first love always remain with the person throughout the life. The outlook of the affected person is developed on such lines that he/she tends to view the world with that particular angle.

3. Social Perceptions of First Love

A person indulges in the first love at an age when the personality is still in the developing stage. Here the perceptions are much stronger than the realities. Rather a person would like to ignore the reality and give more priority to perception. These perceptions then become the passion in one's life and the person would strive to achieve what all had he/she found out in the first love. When the person grows up and gets entangled in love with someone else (other than the first love), the shadows of the first love do not leave him/her alone.

4. Reshaping of Habits and Idiosyncrasies

A person in love with someone is always impressed and influenced by the habits and character traits of the loved one. Most of the habits are copied and followed blindly without analyzing their merits and demerits. These habits keep the person inhibited throughout the life. Hence a semblance of personality of the first love is always visible in the life of the concerned individual.

5. The Impact of First Love is More Pronounced on Women

A woman is more sensitive, flexible and docile as compared to a man, both physically and psychologically. When she is involved in her first love, mostly at a tender age and even at an advanced age, the influence of this episode on her personality is much more intense than a man.

Hence it can be concluded with surety that the first love does have its impact on the life of a person and it cannot be ignored / overlooked altogether.