Five Police Officers Killed This Week

Posted on the 22 December 2012 by Mikeb302000
In the past week, five police officers have been shot and killed in the line of duty. In Clayton County, Georgia, 24-year-old Sean Callahan, who had only been on the job for four months, was gunned down by a suspect during a domestic dispute. In Topeka,Kansas, two police officers, 50-year-old David Gogian and 29-year-old Jeff Atherly were killed while responding to a report of a suspicious vehicle. In Washington County, Missouri, 31-year-old Christopher Parsons was killed while responding to a domestic call. In Memphis, Tennessee, 32-year-old Martoiya Lang was shot and killed during a narcotics raid.
It's a pretty good bet that three or four out of five were lawful gun owners. More disgraceful results from the proliferation of handguns among civilians who are unfit to responsibly handle them.
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