Five on Friday

By Daisyjd

I figured I’d join many other bloggers in participating in Five on Friday- maybe help me get through a little bit of a writing funk I’m in? Lets do it.

1. I cut my hair! About 6 inches or so…I’m pleased with how much healthier it is and that I can dry it much faster. It makes wearing it straight something I can handle at home.

2. Gracie caught allll the daycare germs. First pink eye, then a nasty cold, then her first ear infection. I am thankful her daycare offers a 10% discount (up to twice a year) for a week in which you miss 3 or more days. I did buy one of those plug-in night lights with the vapor pads (this Pediacare one, affiliate link FYI) and it has helped her middle of the night coughing and stuffiness. I found it on a random shelf at Walgreens while I waited to pick up her antibiotics. B and I also learned just how hard it is to balance work & parenting with a sick kiddo. So long vacation days, it was like I never knew you.

3. March Madness has taken over our house. Go Blue!

4. Gracie started walking, and more than just a few steps here or there. Of course every video I have shows off her terrible pink eye/ear infection face (swollen, sad eyes, etc) so I’m waiting until she is feeling better to share it with the world. Everyone said her first steps would “really change things” but she was so mobile before with crawling, pulling up and using her walker that we haven’t found anything new that she can suddenly get into. That said we did finally finish child proofing the main bathroom and the kitchen cabinets because she is really obsessed with opening and closing things…only a matter of time before a food processor blade or tube of lipstick caught her eye.

5. This weather has just GOT TO GO. Today’s forecast is lovely but then we drop back into the 30s. I’m ready for wearing a light jacket and leaving my gloves at home. Yesterday it snowed on my way into the office. So uncool. Our zoo membership has gone untouched because I refuse to take my kid to the zoo during polar vortex’s, rain/sleet, or snow storms. So far finding a day without any of the above has been all but impossible.