FIVE NINETEEN THIRTEEN - X-flare Apocalypse Or Anonymous Becomes the New Al Qaeda?

Posted on the 15 May 2013 by Freeplanet @CUST0D1AN

finally, the date of this 'most talked about false flag event' on the alternative forums, FIVE NINETEEN THIRTEEN is upon us, courtesy of Underground World News.
Ever since the late 90s , there was a buzz circulated (that coincided with the release of the Illuminati card game) that also involved mass spammings or emails being sent out to random people . The dates that were given were , 9/11/01 & 5/19/13 !  [source RMN]

We all know what happened September 11th 2001, and the next one is May 19th 2013: even if you LOVE or DON'T LOVE these Y2K-like events-that-never-come ... just listen to this 'researcher' and let your mind understand that 'Anonymous has been infiltrated' and 'something Big is on its way', something Astronomical.
Man, I love random shit like this: long live randomicity...

X-FLARE UPDATE: according to DanBoo77, originator of the above report, sunspot 1748 has shat out four x-flares in a row in recent times, and I guess he's trying to link it to his 05/19/13 prediction ... and remember the Space Weather website was D.O.W.N. down last night for many hours.

Yes, DanBoo77 just used the phrase RED DAWN.