Five Minute Yellow Tomato and Peach Gazpacho- Summer Cooking

By Saumya Shiohare @myriadmusings1

I was never a fab of tomato gazpacho until I tried this one during my last week's visit to the Early Mountain Vineyards. It was fresh, delicious and perfect accompaniment for our cheese charcuterie on that sweltering hot evening. I loved it so much that I had to request the chef for the recipe and he was kind enough to pass it along to me. I copied it to a tee expect for the peach yogurt that the chef prepared in-house and used as a heavy garnishing ( he almost covered half of the gazpacho with it ).

For all those who aren't familiar, Gazpacho is a Spanish-style soup made from tomatoes and other vegetables and spices and is always served cold; cold as in chilled cold. For me it would easily pass for a refreshing smoothie bowl. It is generally prepared in summer with tomato as the base ingredient and the fruit variation depends on the harvest. For today's recipe I used peaches as it is in season. I wanted to share the recipe with you before it was too late for it to be enjoyed- SO ENJOY!

TOMATOES - gazpacho is generally made with red tomatoes but this recipe in particular called for yellow tomatoes. I would recommend either yellow or orange tomatoes, whichever is easily available. In case you can't, try red tomatoes.

PEACH - the ratio of tomato to peach is 2:1, but you could use more peach if you like yours more fruity.

SHERRY VINEGAR - this vinegar makes the soup tastier but if you don't have it- don't stress! You could use substitutes like Red Wine Vinegar or Rice Vinegar- whichever is handy.

PEACH YOGURT - this is totally optional but the creamy, smooth taste of homemade peach tomato with the cold soup is worth experiencing. I replaced mine with store bought coconut yogurt and drizzled it over my soup as garnish.

Yellow Tomato Peach Gazpacho