Five Little Things on a Friday.

By Agadd @ashleegadd

1. Brett and I started a new morning routine this week. We get up at 5:55am, eat breakfast together, read our bibles, pray together, and then exercise for 30 minutes (I do yoga sessions with this app). I’ve been a little extra tired this week, but I love prepping my heart, mind, and body for the day. Also: getting up early means two breakfasts, so that’s a bonus. If you’re looking for a good devotional, I’m doing the She Reads Truth study through the book of Hosea and highly recommend it!

2. Last Sunday I made a giant batch of meatballs in the crockpot using this recipe and HOLY SMOKES they were delicious. I’ve been trying to spend more time in the kitchen on Sundays to prep meals for the week and it’s really paying off. I’ve decided that meatballs are one of the most versatile foods on the planet. You can make spaghetti & meatballs, meatball pizza, meatball subs, meatballs & quinoa topped with parmesan and basil….the possibilities are endless. Pretty sure we’re going to do “meatball week” once a month in our house.

3. Everett survived his first haircut! Phew! We gave him a smoothie pouch to distract him while my friend Suzanne trimmed up his little comb over. He looks so handsome. Speaking of Everett, his first birthday is on Tuesday (tear!) and next week it’s going to be a little Everett-crazy on the blog. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.

4. Say hello to my fabulous sponsors, While You Were Napping and Ashley In Seven! I highly recommend both of their blogs—seriously, go say hi! (Also, I recently bumped my ads up on the sidebar so if you’ve been thinking about sponsoring, now’s a great time to start. I would love to help promote your blog or business!)

5. The best article I’ve read this week: I’m still here: back online after a year without the internet. Have you read it? Thoughts?

Happy Friday!