Five Little Things on a Friday.

By Agadd @ashleegadd

1. Have you heard of Voxer? My friend Lesley confessed to me a while back that she loves to leave people long voicemail messages. Huh? I HATE leaving voicemails…..or so I thought. As it turns out, leaving long voicemails via Voxer is pretty magical, especially between two friends who live far away from each other. The thing is: it’s really hard to talk on the phone when you have young children whining and/or crying in the background. I can’t tell you how many times my phone calls with friends get interrupted because Everett needs a snack or Carson spit up or I tripped on a hot wheels car. With Voxer, you can just leave each other messages whenever it’s convenient for you. It’s easier than trying to talk on the phone over kids in the background, and way more efficient than typing long e-mails back and forth. Two thumbs up from this previous voicemail hater.

2. You guys. Let’s talk about Serial. I finally jumped on the bandwagon over the long weekend and WHERE HAVE I BEEN? It’s like Dateline in a podcast, and I am officially hooked. Catch up on all the episodes here in case you have also been living under a rock. (p.s. For those of you not living under a rock, do you think he did it?!)

3. Remember last year how I gave Brett the year of dates for Christmas? I’m over at Coffee + Crumbs this week with a recap of how it went.

4. It’s December 5th and I haven’t ordered my Christmas cards. Even worse? We haven’t taken our Christmas card photo yet (face palm). I don’t even know who I am anymore. Tell me I’m not the only one? Also! My favorite website for keeping addresses up to date is Postable. Highly, highly recommend if you’re in the market for a keeping-track-of-all-those-addresses solution.

5. Announcement of the century: Brett is officially home on paternity leave. That’s right, folks. MY HUSBAND IS HOME TO HELP TAKE CARE OF THE CHILDREN FOR AN ENTIRE MONTH. Worth all caps, yes? Hallelujah. I plan to take full advantage of this (barre class! pedicures! Target by myself! naps! so many things!). It’s okay to be a little jealous.

And with that, have a happy happy weekend, friends!