Five Fun Ways of Wearing Your Fashion Accessories

By Clarissa17 @ClarissaSeaton

Fashion accessories are what transform a good outfit into a great one. Knowing how to pick out the perfect accessories is not enough- you how to pair them up with whatever you have on. You do need to know how to find that delicate balance between accessorizing too little and doing it too much. To guide you on establishing this fine line, here are some helpful tips to get you started.

Accessorize for your size. If you have a petite frame, big pieces will not work well on you. Stick to skinny pieces instead. Their modest size has this visual effect of elongating the frame, making you look taller and more slender. They have a dramatic effect on black outfits.

If you want to go all out on accessories, choose a basic outfit. With a plain pair of jeans and plan tee shirt, your accessorizing options are almost endless. The same goes for when you want to put on a black dress. A dangly belt is still a stylish way to rock such an outfit, and works especially well with a curvy form.

Long chains are a staple in every accessories drawer. But if you really want them to make a statement, pair them up with a collared shirt. This gives you the flexibility of wearing the chain long, or even layering it.

When you decide you want to bare your shoulders, necklaces are the first accessories that come to mind. But you can play it differently, and instead accentuate your neck by putting on a large pair of earrings.

Wear bracelets that contrast the colors of your outfit. The overall effect will be much more appealing to the eyes. The best thing about these is that they don’t have to be the same size or the same shape. Chunky or not, you can still wear them to complete an outfit. Don’t restrict them to your wrists, when they can do better on your upper arm.

These are only a few tips of how to stop playing it safe with your accessories and live a little. Keep it simple, sexy and daring, and you’re good.

Image Source: Xsgod