- Energy efficiency standards for residential clothes washers and dishwashers are expected to save consumers $20 billion in energy and water costs.
- The clothes washers standard will save households approximately $350 apiece over the lifetime of the appliances.
- Home dishwashers will use approximately 15% less energy and more than 20% less water, directly providing consumers with savings on monthly bills.
- Today, clothes washers and dishwashers account for approximately 3% of residential energy use and more than 20% of indoor water use in U.S. homes.
- The new standards for clothes washers will reduce the energy consumption of front-loading clothes washers by 15% and reduce water consumption by 35%, while the standards will reduce energy consumption by top-loading washers by 33% and reduce water consumption by 19%.
Click here to read the DOE’s press release.
Image source: Metropolitan Museum of Art