Fitness Update

By Shoesfashfit @lolashoelove
When I started this blog, I had intended for a large part of it to be devoted to Fitness. Shoes, Fashion, Fitness. The fitness part has kind of taken a back seat and I want to give a bit of an update as to where I am with my fitness goals and I would like to start posting a regular 'Fitness Friday' post. Whether it be an update, a challenge I am setting for myself, a healthy recipe or a review on a fitness related product.
A couple of months ago I started Tae Kwon Do (TKD). Next week I will have my first testing and get my first color belt, Orange. My mother actually convinced me to join, she really wanted to join but didn't want to start all by herself. My brother has been in TKD for two years and he is a blue stripe, quite a bit higher then us. My boyfriend joined about two weeks after us.
When I first joined I wasn't sure it would be good enough to consider a 'workout' but wow was I ever wrong. For three days a week, I do 1 hour of TKD and I do work up a sweat as well as getting in a good stretch. One thing that is amazing me is the fact that I did 28 pushups. 28 regular, not 'girl' pushups. That might not sound amazing but about a year ago I could do 0 pushups, I could hardly do a girl pushup. I did the girly ones and worked up to about 20. Joining TKD I didn't want to have to do the girly ones when the other kids and adults were doing the regular ones! I started with 10 normal ones and have now worked up to 28! Wow! Another thing is that I can almost do the splits again!
In August I will be attending the TKD camp and one of the things we will be doing there is a morning jog of about 30 minutes. Honestly it doesn't intimidate me because I like to run but I usually run inside on a treadmill and that is very different from running outside on trails. I'm going to start running, outside, on Sundays, Wednesdays and Fridays, on the days I don't have TKD.
My goal has always been that I want to be able to run a 5k and this summer I hope I can accomplish that.
Do you have any Summer Fitness goals?