Fitness Friday: Week 60

By Monicasmommusings @mom2natkatcj

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This has been the longest week in a long time. You see I think this was the first week where we have actually had school and no delays since we came back from Christmas break. So that 5 a.m. wakeup call and going going going all day every day has been hard on me. And I started a new workout plan. I have a new 30 Day system XPress Workout. There are 5 different DVDs in the set with 5 ten minute workouts on each DVD. Then there’s a schedule of working out. You can either do 6 days a week or 3 days a week. I opted for 3 days and that has been great.

So there are 3 different workouts I can do a day. I can do them all at once or split them up throughout the day. I know that if I split them up I will miss stuff though so I have been working out for half an hour this week. I am on a Monday, Wednesday, Friday schedule. My first day was an aerobic fat blast 30 minute workout and it kicked my butt. I was very relieved that I did not have to work out on Tuesday. Then on Wednesday was Pilates. So this was more toning. My abs still hurt from that one. And today I did 30 minutes of Kickboxing. That one was easier to do than the other ones, but I’m already starting to feel it in my arms. I’m not crazy about the kick box workout in all honesty. Although, it is kind of nice to imagine I’m actually punching or kicking someone I’m mad at. But now I’m off for the weekend and I’ll start up again on Monday, I hope. We’re supposed to get snow on Monday so we might have a no school day.

I am excited to see the results of this. It does have a eating plan included, but I haven’t been following that. I am such a picky eater this does make it super hard. There’s not much on the meal plan that I would actually eat. So this might be where my downfall is going to be. I am clearly using muscles in a way I’m not use to so that’s a good thing, perhaps I’ll see some toning results in this. Hopefully more than that.

Now how about you? How was your week in fitness? Grab my button and link up your fitness post on the bottom.

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