Fitness Friday: Take a Break!

By Tanvi Rastogi @tanviidotcom

May be it is because its summers, or may be because I have 'time-off' on my mind officially, but here's something you haven't heard from me yet, as far as fitness is concerned, i.e. - Take a break! - Yes, the feeling after a good workout is the best feeling in the whole wide world Life, is for living and experiencing everything it has to offer. Travel, food, adventure and even being lazy once-in-a-while. Like work, taking a break from working out, can also refresh you and your mind. In all the years of working out, a week to 10 days of break has always had positive effect on my over all body. Of course be smart about it - eat clean, stay active and once the 'break' is over be sure to be
but your life cannot and should not rotate around it. back on the plan .

Some of the benefits of taking a break, in my humble opinion and experience:

  • It helps heal the wear and tear of muscles
  • Muscles gets time to adapt to the change
  • You come back mentally stronger and raring to go...
  • In short ... it does wonders!

Do you take break from working out?

This post is for people who are regular with their workouts and not for people who take a break every other day and for life threatening reasons like stomach aches, hangovers, late nights or something equally important like that .

Blogger, Stylist, Storyteller, Fitness Enthusiast, Experimental Cook. If you have questions in any of the mentioned areas or have feedback, feel free to contact me at