What inspired the name Year of the Cobra and who thought of the name? Finding a name is difficult.Most of the good ones are already taken.We had lists and lists of names that spanned many sheets of paper, but it ultimately came down to lack of time.We had booked a show and needed to give the venue a name, so we decided Year of the Cobra was the best on the list.Our plan was to change it after the show, but that never happened.I wish there was a better story behind it.
Were you in any bands prior to Year of the Cobra? Yes.I played in several bands prior to YOTC.Most of them were just for fun,but the main one, HDR, was a stoner rock power trio based out of L.A..We split up when I moved to Seattle, but still remain very close friends.
Did you and Jon start the band before or after you were married? We started it after we were married.
Were you wearing a costume the night you and Jon first met? The night Jon and I met I wasn’t wearing anything spectacular.My band, at the time, would do side gigs as a jazz trio to make money (and just for fun), so we were just dressed up as “jazz” musicians.
Tell me about one of your first musical memories? I started playing music at a really young age.I don’t remember a time where I didn’t play music.It’s just always been something I’ve done and something I’ve loved.I do remember my piano competitions, though, and how nervous I would get.There was this yearly competition I’d play in Piedmont, CA, and to this day when I drive by that exit on the freeway my hands still get a bit clammy.
When did you first start playing bass? I started playing bass when I was 20.It happened only because someone needed a bass player and, on a whim, I said I’d do it.
How long have you been on the road on this latest tour? This latest tour was a little over 2 weeks.We essentially did a full U.S. tour, but broke it up into two legs.This leg took us back out to Chicago where we ping ponged back and forth for a week and then headed back.We had some long drives at the end, but all in all it was a great tour.
Who does the bulk of the driving on tour? Jon and I split the driving pretty evenly.I do most of the night drives and Jon will take on most of the early morning drives, but we generally see who needs more rest and we go from there.
Who’s most likely to get lost? I would say I am definitely most likely to get lost.
I forgot that you guys did a European tour.How does that compare with touring the U.S.? Europe is really good to touring bands.Each venue always feeds you and houses you.Two of the most important and costly things to cover when you’re on the road.The set times are also longer, which I like.It allows you to really take the audience for a ride.I like coming up with a set with that in mind.It’s fun.In the U.S. the drives tend to be longer because things here are geographically more spaced out.Those drives can get a bit tiring especially since it’s just the two of us driving.Truly, though, touring is fun regardless.It’s really great to get out and finally meet the people you’re chatting with online or getnew people into your music.
Name one of your favorite cities on tour? Again.I’m not sure if I can name a favorite city.They all stand out in different ways.Some are smaller than I expected.Some are bigger than I expected, but you can certainly get the feeling of each city as soon as you roll in.Some cities have such history it’s almost awe inspiring to even be in them and others feel so young and vibrant.You really never know what you’re going to get.On this last tour we were lucky to get, essentially, a guided tour around Salt Lake City.I really appreciated that.I loved hearing some of the history of the city and seeing parts of it that we probably wouldn’t have seen.I do wish we had more time to spend looking around, though.Too many times we roll into a city at night and right back out after the show.
What are some of the challenges of being on the road that your average person wouldn't know about? I think one of the challenges that an average person wouldn’t know about would be dealing with the boredom.There is so much sitting and waiting it’s ridiculous.From sitting in the car for seven plus hours to get to the next city to waiting to play after you arrive.You spend so much time waiting it ends up being really exhausting, oddly.Jon and I have a bunch of games we play together to keep us laughing which helps, but you really have to make sure you’re in the right mindset.It takes a few days to do, but once that becomes your “norm” you just go into autopilot for the rest of the tour.
Favorite guilty pleasure? Favorite guilty pleasure?Sitting and watching TV.It’s the only time I can turn my head off.Where I don’t feel like I have to be doing something productive or creative or anything at all.I get to just sit down and do absolutely nothing.
The year is 1997.Where are you at and what are you doing? Hm.In 1997 I was still in California and in school.I was deep into punk rock going to shows at Gilman St..I believe my head was shaved (except for bangs) and I hadn’t discovered any heavy music yet.I was just engulfed with punk rock and it’s ethos.
You are originally from California, correct? I am not actually originally from California.I was born in Taiwan and immigrated to the U.S. when I was one.We lived in Memphis, TN for about eight years before moving to California.For simplicities sake, though, I usually just say I’m from Cali.
Is the video for “Burn Your Dead” Year of the Cobra’s first video? Burn Your Dead is actually our third video.The first one was for the song The Siege, produced by Deviant Kind Productions and the second one was “Temple of Apollo” by Black Sate Production.The same company that did Burn Your Dead.We have a couple more videos in the works, so keep an eye out!!
Describe Jon in five words or less. Jon in five words or less would easily be, Jon is awesome.
Favorite book? I really don’t have a favorite book.
Favorite movie? I really don’t have a favorite movie.My tastes are eclectic and I find it really difficult to narrow my likes down to just one thing.
Star Wars or Star Trek? I actually like them both.
Waffles or Pancakes? I really dislike both and never eat them.
This is the first interview that I have conducted and I would like to take a minute to express my deep gratitude to Amy for taking the time to answer all of my questions while she had so much else going on.Don’t forget to pick up a copy of the new EP Burn Your Dead available via Magnetic Eye Records October 27th and be on the lookout for more videos and if the metal gods are smiling upon you perhaps you could catch Year of the Cobra live at some future date.
~El Pedo Caliente (AKA Uncle Jameson from the Fistful of DOOM show)