Fistful of Doom 2020 Highlights Part 3

Posted on the 18 February 2021 by Ripplemusic

 Fistful of Tunes

   Let me start by extending my deep appreciation and gratitude to all the bands, artists and labels that have shared their art with us over the past year.I am humbled by the sacrifices that you continually make on behalf of us the listener and in the name of your art.I am deeply indebted to your willingness to lay before us your passion, blood, sweat and tears.Thank you.


   Without further ado, I bring you the highlights from 2020 (the year of the wart) that I have affectionately dubbed a Fistful of Tunes.Thirty-five albums encapsulate 2020’s Fistful of Tunes.They are listed in no particular order.This is the final ten (note the previous twenty-five can be found in the archives).I believe that they are all worth your time and money.Enjoy!

Bantha Rider- Binary Sunset Massacre

Terminal Nation- Holocene Extinction

Birds of Nazca- Birds of Nazca

Takezo- Reality Left Behind

Revered and Reviled Above All Others- Toppling the Rotten Pillar

Kanawha- The Sky Was the First to Fall

Ten Foot Wizard- Get Out of Your Mind

Planet of the Dead- Fear of a Dead Planet

Cryptonight- The Black Ritual

Undeath- Lesions of a Different Kind


-El Pedo Caliente