Temperatures this week:
Lowest Min 8.2C
Lowest Max 19.5C
Highest Max 33C
41mm Rain
What's the weather been like in the garden?
The rain started on Tuesday and continued through the night with a loud thunderstorm which resulted in us being without power for most of Wednesday! All of the roads south to Adelaide were flooded and blocked.
The rain was followed by much cooler, windy weather.
Potting up:
Tomato Red Cherry
Planting out:
Lettuce Red Oakleaf
Lettuce Goldrush
Tomato Yellow Pear
Ceylon Spinach
Amaranth Leaf
Cucumber Lebanese
Cucumber Green Gem
Cucumber Marketmore
the above were planted at Community Garden
Sweetcorn Extra Sweet
Watermelon Sugarbaby
Watermelon Golden Midget
Watermelon Moon and Stars
Watermelon Blacktail Mountain
In the Garden This week:
One or two of each of the Watermelons went into the Almond Area Wicking Bed along with a dozen Sweetcorn seedlings. The bed was covered with a net curtain because the locusts seem to be bad on the south side of the house and they love sweetcorn seedlings!!!
from it's hiding place!
is true to type!!!
At The Community Garden:
Weekly Harvest Tally:
Doesn't include Greens fed to the chooks on a daily basis or herbs picked for use in the kitchen for cooking or tea making.
Zucchini Gold***706g
Zucchini (?)***555g
13 From the 5 Farmyard Ferals
13 From the 4 Barnevelders
20 From the 5 Faverolles
To see how the various Garden areas fit on our half acre block check out the newest Map of our place HERE