First Shot at an Idea

By Myfilmproject09

Okay, now that I've actually put an idea on the table, the first thing that I do is to "throw it at the wall". Not really, but see "if it sticks". Okay, I worked with a writer/producer who would use those terms all the time. 
You can see where the idea came from on the previous blog beneath you.  First thing here is, of course, get a WGA and WGC  registration for the script, that form above. This is important, at least to most extent. It tells anyone that this story is his/hers. I actually did it a month ago before I decided to do this. So I'm clean.
I'm starting with 3 acts, simply put beginning, middle and end. Simple.
I used a software called Power Structure, I've had it about 25 years and still use it. Easy and gives you way too much information as to what you write. I use about 20% of it for my use. 
This is where it begins: I use the software you'll see further down. It shows way too much as you can see but helps me move in a certain way. But now I go back over it, the first act, which is usually what happens before the middle. First acts are about 30 pages or so. 
So this is my first 30 pages, but marked up in red pen.