First Rate Ferguson ...

Posted on the 21 October 2013 by Tlb Music Blog @TLB_Blog
We've never much been that way inclined as to listen to anything Rebecca Ferguson places out. However, after the success of her first album, we felt compelled to give her a bit more of a go as of when she did release again. Now is that time and, I Hope, is the name of her new single. We can't say that it had an immediate impact on us, but after a few listens, this sophisticated pop number is one that will get stuck in your head.
If you were a fan of her previous work, then it's more than likely that you'll appreciate and enjoy this one too. Rebecca has only made the slightest of changes to her musical style in the sense that the tempo seems to have been accelerated minimally ... otherwise, the use of instruments, the lyrical prowess and, of course, the vocal, have all been unchanged.
The lyrics, for us, lack something. They're sometimes overly simple and just don't express what we'd like to hear ... though, from the comments on her Youtube link, it seems that others have taken this as a purposeful act in order to be on the same level and really allow her (possibly) less intuitive audiences to really gauge how she is feeling within the track.
For many people, the performance will be the main factor in why this works, rather than those pesky lyrics. In this respect, as always, Rebecca does very well. She comes across, still, as a respectable, impressive, powerful woman who bears similarities to Emeli Sande ... although the timid-ness she also possesses makes her more realistic. Her power is in the distinctive way she sings and, from what we can hear here, there's absolutely no doubt that Rebecca will, once the wheels are in motion, have another success story on her hands with the album, Freedom.