First Post - 01/11/2011

By Inordinatelyplush @inordinateplush
After approximately 3 years and 2 failed blogs, I have decided to put my all into Inordinately Plush my new blog. After seeing DizzyBrunette3's video I thought I best get started (You helped clear up a few things.. and.. great blog :))
I chose the name literally with the use of a thesaurus, basically it means something along the lines of EXTREMELY FANCY/HANDSOME/LAVISH/LUSH/GLORIOUS etc. etc.
This blog is for me really, I've always written a diary (it's practically religion in my world and one day they will be published) and it helps just to babble on. Whatever is in my head I write down. And deary me do I have a lot of babble in my head when it comes to stuff. I spend approximately 1/3 more than I earn; granted I don't earn a lot but I have come to the conclusion that there is a rich girl living inside this working class woman. Somewhere.

Anyway, I hope when I publish Inordinately Plush that you will all enjoy. :)