First Man To Buy iPhone In Australia Drops It… Don’t Worry – Everyone is OKAY!

By Nottheworstnews @NotTheWorstNews

Yahoo News Digest reports that a man in Australia who was “the first person in the world to get a new iPhone” took it out of the box. And dropped it. In front of TV cameras. And it didn’t break. But somewhere in the media this is still “breaking news.”

3 Things That Would Have Made This News Story More Interesting

1. Dropping it in an Australian toilet and then flushing it to see if the water really rotates in a different direction. And then learning that is all a myth!

2. Dropping it, and then it melting, and morphing into one of the bad terminators.

3. Nobody dropping it. But the man turns around with his new iPhone 6 Plus, and sees Crocodile Dundee who says “that’s not a phone, this is a phone,” as he pulls out a car phone manufactured during the height of his career. And then Scotland votes that Australia has to leave the United Kingdom.*

*time to brush up on your history, Scotland!