First Lady of Snot

Posted on the 11 February 2013 by Eowyn @DrEowyn

When my friend Mark S. McGrew said in an email to me yesterday that there’s a video showing the First Lady with snot coming out of her nose, I was incredulous.

But you can see this with your own eyes for yourself.

On February 28, 2011, Michelle Obama gave a speech at the National Governors Association Meeting in the White House. Here’s the video, provided by the White House (fast forward to the end of the video where you’ll see the imprimatur).

Go ahead and verify the following for yourselves:

  • At the 10:47 mark: M.O. wipes her nose with a finger.
  • At the 11:16 mark: The sniffles begin.
  • At the 12:50 mark: Visible shiny mucus secretion from her nose.
  • Beginning at the 14:20 mark: A drop of mucus comes out of her left nostril.
  • Beginning at the 16:10 mark: The droplet of mucus is clearly visible.
  • At the 16:55 mark: M.O. wipes nose with right hand.
  • At the 17:02 mark: M.O. wipes nose with left hand. Right after that, I do believe I saw her tongue flicking up to lick the moisture.

Here’s the screenshot I took of the shiny droplet under M.O.’s left nostril at the 14:20 mark (click image to enlarge):

I don’t get it.

If M.O. had a cold that day, why didn’t she use a tissue or hankie to blow her nose?
