First in Class

By Twotimesthefun @slcs48n1
Both girls are participating in IEA this year. The blond twin reignited her horseback riding interest during quarantine. Horseback riding was one of the few activities available when other interests shut down. It is good for a lot of things, including social distancing. 

The girls' barn has a terrific IEA program. The barn hosts several competitions each year. Last year, the brunette twin did very well during her two IEA shows at her barn. This year, the Covid-19 restrictions meant the show would be very different. Visitors were limited. The teams were more separated and there was much less mingling among teams. Everyone wore a mask. Competitors were to ride and leave. It sounded harsh when we received all the restrictions. It turned out that we're much more resilient than we think. Both shows were held in the outdoor arena. The teams staked out part of the property, setting up picnics, chairs, blankets and umbrellas. Several teams had matching masks, which was something our team decided to do for the next competition. It was different, but it was still a great time.The brunette twin won her first blue ribbon on a horse she had never ridden before. She said that she thought jumping was her strength, but maybe flat was her hidden talent. The blond twin placed in three of her four competitions. She was both pleased that she did so well and disappointed that she didn't place in all four. Overall the girls were very happy. They had plans to improve before the October show and set new goals. The barn did a wonderful job pulling off two days of shows under difficult conditions. It was a nice sense of normalcy in our crazy new world.