First Half of September

By Scarecrow

Lots of blossom on the trees for the bees: Tagasaste, Apricot and Nectarine...the garden is buzzing!

Still lots of sowing of seeds happening with the weather warming slowly...daytime temps are up but mornings are still chilly with 4 frosts. We had 7 mm of rain. The greenhouse is filling up and anything that can stand the cold is put out on the shaded shelves. Still have about 3 weeks until it will be safe to plant out...maybe. The weather folks are telling us it will be a very frosty spring with little rain. Argh!!

Sunday 1st
Potted up into a mixture of rainwater soaked coir plus Seasol (seaweed extract)and Charlie Carp (fish emulsion), Potting mix and wormfarm bedding:
Amaranth Green
Basil Lettuce Leaf, Genovese, Lemon and Dark Opal
Bunching Onions Red Beard and Evergreen Bunching
Lemon Coriander
Lettuce Mignonette Brown
Perennial Alyssum Mountain Gold
Tomatoes - Hungarian Heart, Ida Gold, Roma, San Marzano, Sugar Lump
Silverbeet Golden Sunrise
Store bought Long Sweet Yellow Capsicum
Tuesday 3rd
Seeds sown in punnets and cell trays containing sieved potting mix and rainwater soaked coir:
Agastache Agastache rugosa Licorice Blue
Alyssum Lobularia maritima Rosie O'Day and Snow Cloth
Cosmos Cosmos sulphureus Bright Lights, Diablo, Sensation Mixed
Larkspur Delphinium consolide Imperial Choice
Marigold Tagetes patula French bonita
Nasturtium Tropaeolum majus Empress of India, Gleam Hybrids, Milkmaid and Trailing mix
Phacelia Phacelia tanacetifolia
Vebena Vervan bonariensis Florist mix
Zinnia Zinnia elegans Giant Dahlia Flowered Mixed and Purple Prince
Wednesday 4th
Potted up: into a mixture of rainwater soaked coir plus Seasol and Fish emulsion, Potting mix and wormfarm bedding:

Sunday 8th
Seeds sown in pots and Loo Rolls containing sieved potting mix and rainwater soaked coir:
Bean Phaseolus nanus Bush Cherokee Wax
Bean Phaseolus vulgaris Climbing Kentucky Wonder Wax
Bean Phaseolus vulgaris Climbing Purple King
Bean Vigna unguiculata var. sesquipedalis Climbing Snake Black Seeded
Cucumber Cucumis sativus Mini White
Cucumber Cucumis sativus Muncher Burpless
Cucumber Cucumis sativus Spacemaster
Pumpkin Curcurbita moschata Jap
Zucchini Curcurbita pepo Cocozelle
Zucchini Curcurbita pepo Golden
Zucchini Curcurbita pepo Lebanese
Sunflower Helianthus annus Evening Sun
Sunflower Helianthus annus Sun King

Monday 9th
Weeding, pruning and dividing Tansy and Yarrow
Took cuttings of Strawberry Guava

Wednesday 11th
Potted up into a mixture of rainwater soaked coir plus Seasol (seaweed extract)and Charlie Carp (fish emulsion), Potting mix and wormfarm bedding:
Capsicums Fryers Mixed and California Wonder
Malabar Spinach just 1 from old seeds

Thursday 12th
Potted up into a mixture of rainwater soaked coir plus Seasol (seaweed extract)and Charlie Carp (fish emulsion), Potting mix and wormfarm bedding:
Golden Purslane
Red Clover

Friday 13th
Tidied up the shaded pot bench. Dividing succulents and took cuttings of Pigface Yellow Lampranthus glaucus and Blue Chalksticks Senecio serpens.
Potted up new plants from Greenpatch:
Lebanese Watercress Aethionema cordiolum See Here
Native Peppermint Mentha australis
Golden Oregano Origanum vulgare aureum See Here
French Tarragon Artemisia dracunculus See Here
Pink Flamingo/Rainbow Parsley Oenanthe flamingo
Ferny Azolla Azolla pinnata See Here

The area around the old gum tree stump has been developed into an area for "wildlife". The natural borer holes in the trunk are great for native bees and the bark always has lizards hiding. I've added a bowl for water and will soon add some shadecloth until other trees can grow for shelter from the searing sun in summer.