First Frost

By Scarecrow
Update: Last week of  April 2012
First frost damaged the Zucchinis but spared the pumpkins still growing in the Old Chook Run garden
Weather Highlights:
Lowest Min 2C
Highest Max 21.7C
1.5 mm Rain

Planting out:

Celery Tendercrisp seedlings into Bed 2 in the Main Veg Garden
Romanesco Broccoli seedlings into bed 18 in the Old Chook Run Garden
The following have been planted into the Old Chook Run edge beds:
Marguerite Daisy Double White Argyranthemum frutescens
Daisy Marguerite Maroon Centred Argyranthemum frutescens
Lovage Levisticum officinale
Sage Grandfather Salvia apiana
Sage Purple Salvia officinalis 'Purpurea'
Zaatar Origanum syriacum
Scented Pelargoniums - Pot Pouri, Lemon
Harvest Tally:
Beans Purple King 52g
Beans Butter 261g
Capsicum California Wonder 2024g
Capsicum Hungarian Yellow 522g
Cucumber Suyo Long 195g
Onion Stuttgart 362g
Onion Domenica Sweet 399g
Onion Red 137g
Pumpkin Triamble 8372g
Pumpkin Whangaparaoa Crown 8743g
Silverbeet Rainbow Mixed 56g
Zucchini Nero di Milano 489g
Apples Golden Delicious 4266g

Total for the week 19
0 from the lone Barnevelder
19 from the 5 Farmyard Ferals
0 from the 4 Faverolles

The Zucchinis have been removed from Bed 2 and replaced with Celery seedlings that needed to be covered as the Blackbirds are causing damage as they scratch around looking for worms.
As we head into May the minimum temperatures are dropping with frost warnings all this week. Those trial Potatoes in Bed 5 have been covered with a tunnel of perforated plastic for warmth.
Bed 18 down in the Old Chook Run Garden was cleared of pumpkin vines (with another 17kgs harvested) and topped up with worm castings/worms/organic fertilisers/compost. Romanesco Broccoli/Cauliflower seedlings have been planted and a Vege Net cover built to protect them from the ever present Cabbage Moths.

Bed 7 in the Main Veg Garden has a great crop of Lettuces, Parcel and Snow Peas coming on but of  the two sowings of  Spinach seeds not one has grown...some seeds sown into punnets have also failed to germinate, I think it was a bad pack of seeds!!!
The Tank Wicking Bed no 20 is taking off with the Snow Peas flowering and the Beetroot leaves looking great.
To see how the various Garden areas fit on our half acre block check out the newest Planting Plan for Autumn HERE This is updated as planting occurs.