First Ever Competition on European Soil Coming Up!!!

By Kc2610 @kc2610
I will spend this whole week in a state of excitement, because on the weekend I will be doing my first competition EVER in Europe! The idea was to come to Germany and compete as much as I could while I was here, but after Seb and I were pulled to pieces, we had to wait until we were put back together again. Now, finally you can pretty much make out a picture in our puzzle, and with a new saddle being the cherry on top, we are ready... I hope!
I am riding Seb on both Saturday and Sunday, and Chad on Sunday as well. This morning I was trying to learn my tests - in German. Just in case anyone is wondering, I don't speak German. I understood most of the test, but some parts I had to put into the translator. That was not a solution, however, as it told me to "strong step in the move halfway across the web"... Pardon? Turns out that means extended walk across a short diagonal. I think I'll stick to human translation from now on.
So this week will consist of test practise, and dreaming of riding down my first centreline on German/European soil. A dream I've had for seven years will finally come true! That's exactly what this blog is all about, a teen's dressage dream, or many of them, and recording every step I make to achieve them. In this case, a bloody tough time in Germany to make it to German compeitition standard. Hallelujah.