All of these items are fine on their own. Marketing Tactics. A marketing tool that helps support marketing results.
But alone, without being in support of a goal, the tactic simply doesn't work.
Marketing Strategy Must Come First!
If you don't have your strategy planned out, you will just do things and wonder why it doesn't have the intended results.
So what is strategy? Many people ask me that. Personally I like to talk about the 4 M's of marketing. It's not the same as the 4P's of marketing.
Today I wanted to link to a website that has many different marketing strategies. Ways to approach the marketing. No one way is correct and the others wrong, but it helps to understand the concepts behind these strategies.
I share this link to Marketing Strategies because it's a great starting point. This page has 30 different methods, concepts and models of marketing strategies. Notice each one of these models and concepts are not talking about your social media tactics in your Instagram or Snapchat account, or the color of your logo or how you'll blast out this email content? No, these strategies are talking about the foundation of the marketing... the why, not the how.
There is definitely a difference between strategy and tactics.