First Class

Posted on the 23 February 2011 by Warigia @WarigiaBowman
Class has been significantly delayed by the Revolution. First, all universities and schools were closed. Most primary and secondary schools remain closed. American University reopened on February 13, 2011. 
I taught my first class in nonprofit management last night. It was a lot of fun. I had about six students, all women. I expect that number to increase, since no one knew what room we were in last night. We talked a lot about what a nonprofit or nongovernmental organization is, or is not. We also discussed the probability that this "third sector" will likely explode in a new, more democratic environment where significant donor money is flowing in. Finally, we discussed which NGOs or organizations were most important in the Revolution. The names that came up were the April 6 movement,  and the Revolution Union, syndicates of doctors and lawyers, including the Arab Doctors Union.
March 3, 2011 Update
According to the students in my Nonprofit Management Class, here is a partial list of groups which  participated  in the Jan. 25th revolution in Egypt:
1. April 6 movement.
2. El- Baradie campaign (National Association for Change).
3. Muslim Brotherhood.
4. Doctors syndicate.
5. Pharmacist syndicate.
6. Judges.
7. Socialist Revolutionists.
8. Labor unions.
9. lawyers syndicate.
10. Arab doctors union.
11. Freedom and justice union.
12. Kefaya ( members participated, but were not self-identifying)
13. Liberal front.
14. Ghadd party.
My student Nashwa notes, "This is for sure in addition to the other huge diversity of ordinary Egyptian people, actors, journalists and others."