First Chapter ~ First Paragraph (April 5)

By Cleopatralovesbooks @cleo_bannister

Welcome to another Tuesday celebrating bookish events, from Tuesday/First Chapter/Intros, hosted by Bibliophile by the Sea Every Tuesday, Diane at Bibliophile by the Sea posts the opening paragraph (sometime two) of a book she decided to read based on the opening. Feel free to grab the banner and play along.

My chosen book for this week is A Tapping At My Door by David Jackson which will be published on 7 April 2016.


A woman at home in Liverpool is disturbed by a persistent tapping at her back door. She’s disturbed to discover the culprit is a raven, and tries to shoo it away. Which is when the killer strikes.
DS Nathan Cody, still bearing the scars of an undercover mission that went horrifyingly wrong, is put on the case. But the police have no leads, except the body of the bird – and the victim’s missing eyes.
As flashbacks from his past begin to intrude, Cody realises he is battling not just a murderer, but his own inner demons too.
And then the killer strikes again, and Cody realises the threat isn’t to the people of Liverpool after all – it’s to the police.
Following the success and acclaim of the Callum Doyle novels, A Tapping at My Door is the first installment of David Jackson’s new Nathan Cody series. Amazon

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First Chapter ~ First Paragraph ~ Intro


L is ten.
There it is again. The sound. The tapping, scratching, scrabbling noise at the back door. Terri Latham gives it her attention and then, when the sound stops, chides herself for wasting the brainpower. Its nothing. Just the plants, probably. She laughs at that. Laughs at the way it conjures up the image of an eight-foot Venus Flytrap or some such, banging its leafy fist on her door and demanding to be fed. Like that film – what’s it called? – Little Shop of Horrors, that’s it. Because it’s funny. Sitting here alone, getting all jittery over nothing but a plant – well, that’s hilarious. Actually, she has a whole crowd of plants in pots just outside the door, but she’s not thinking of them. Most of them aren’t capable of knocking for attention.

Please note that this excerpt comes from a proof copy

I’m not sure about the writing style of this passage, those incredibly short sentences aren’t something I’m used to, but the opening certainly conjures up the setting vividly.
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