First 2016 Votes: Iowa Caucus Results

By Eowyn @DrEowyn


Record turnout: 52% men; 48% women

  1. Cruz: 28%; 51,649 votes; 8 delegates; 29% men; 27% women
  2. Trump: 24%; 45,416 votes; 7 delegates; 25% men; 24% women
  3. Rubio: 23%; 43,132 votes; 7 delegates; 25% men; 21% women
  4. Carson: 9%; 17,393 votes; 3 delegates
  5. Paul: 4%; 8,478 votes; 1 delegate
  6. Bush: 3%; 5,235 votes; 1 delegate
  7. Fiorina: 2%, 3,483 votes; 0 delegate
  8. Kasich: 2%; 3,473 votes; 0 delegate
  9. Huckabee: 2% 3,344 votes; 0 delegate
  10. Christie: 2%; 3,278 votes; 0 delegate
  11. Santorum: 1%; votes; 1,783 votes; 0 delegate

Source: CNN


43% men; 57% women

  1. Clinton: 50%; 24 delegates; 44% men; 53% women
  2. Sanders: 40%; 21 delegates; 50% men; 42% women
  3. O’Malley: 1%; 0 delegate

Source: CNN


Polling data had shown Trump with a lead in Iowa for weeks. LifeNews attributes Cruz’s win over Trump to the former’s pro-life record.

According to ThinkProgess, less than a week before the Iowa caucus, Cruz gave the hundreds of Iowans at a rally a list of his pro-life actions as U.S. Senator and former Texas solicitor general, including efforts to de-fund Planned Parenthood, enact parental notification laws, and prohibit partial-birth abortion. Cruz aimed some of his comments specifically at Trump, whom some question about the sincerity of his pro-life stance. Cruz said: “Every candidate in a Republican primary says they’re pro-life. That’s what you say in a Republican primary, regardless of the facts. The question we ought to ask is, don’t tell me that you’re pro-life. Show me. When have you stood up and fought to defend the right to life?”

9 days before the Iowa Caucus, on Jan. 23, 2016, Trump finally outlined his pro-life stance in an op/ed in Washington Examiner. He said America has gone astray because we have moved away from many of this country’s founding principles, most notably the right to life. He said he is pro-life with exceptions only for the very rarest abortions:

“Let me be clear — I am pro-life. I support that position with exceptions allowed for rape, incest or the life of the mother being at risk. I did not always hold this position, but I had a significant personal experience that brought the precious gift of life into perspective for me.”
