Happy New Year! How are you spending the first weekend of 2015? I’m reading some books to support my New Year’s Resolutions, one of which is Live Healthier. I had that down pat a few years ago but things slipped in 2014. I’m ready to get going again, including finding some new menu items to cook to spice up our repertoire.
I’ve got some things going on the blog right now for people who are reading, resolving, and cooking.
The Healthy Lifestyle Books Reading challenge — a year-long challenge for 2015 to read books that support a healthy lifestyle. We define ‘health’ broadly here — physical, mental, emotional, spiritual.
The War of Art read along — a read along of a book that is, ostensibly, for creative types, but really works for anyone who feels simultaneously drawn to a goal and resistant to it. Like the way I’d really like to not use a measuring cup to serve my applesauce bread pudding for breakfast even though that’s the best way I know to get the serving sized appropriately. Join us for a slow read of a slim and wise book.